Chuckles is a candy produced by Farley's & Sathers Candy Company, Inc. Chuckles are jelly candies coated with a light layer of sugar. They come in five flavors: cherry, lemon, lime, orange, and licorice. Each package of Chuckles contains one piece of each flavor. The candies have always been packaged in the traditional log with seven ribs. The candies are made with corn syrup, sugar, modified and unmodified cornstarch, and natural and artificial flavors and colors.
The Chuckles brand was first produced in 1921. Nabisco bought the Chuckles Company in 1970. A management buyout occurred in 1986, and the company was quickly snapped up by Leaf. Leaf's US properties were sold to The Hershey Company in 1996, and Hershey sold Chuckles to Farley's & Sathers in 2002.